
Buddha : Gautam Buddha was a Kshatriya prince and was the son of Shudhodana. He was born in 623 B.C. at Lumbini a few miles from Kapilavastu on the Nepal Border. At the age of 28 he left his home and retired to the forests. This event is known as the Great Renunciation. He sat down in meditation under a pipal tree near Gaya. He gave his first Sermon in the Deer Park at Sarnath, near Banaras. This event is known as Dharma Chakra Pravartan. He founded a powerful Sangha or order of Bhikshus. His chief teachings were four Noble truths. The Eightfold Path of Middle Path, Karma, Ahimsa, Good Morals, No caste system and silence about God. Buddha died at Dushinaar (U.P.) He was indeed the “Light of Asia”.
