
Showing posts from May 24, 2009

Black Shirt

A member of any fas-cist organisation with a black-shirteduniform.

Black Natlonallsm

A movementadvocating the establishment of a sepa-rate black nation within the US.

Black Market

Secret sale of goodsor currency violating government rulesrelated to pricing, quota, rationing, pror-ity, welfare etc.

Black Economy

That part of acountry’s economic activity which is notreco_rded in the national income accounts,although it does involve the productionof goods and _services.

Black Dragon Society

A secretsociety formed by japanese politicians in1901 with the idea of war against wanted japan to conquer territories uptothe river Amur (Black Dragon).

Bird of prey

Also known as raptor.Any bird that hunts mammals and birdsfor food. Eagle, falcon, hawk and vultureare birds of prey.


The sphere of life with 1 1million animal species and 350,000 plantspecies existing in the surface of earth andupper layers of water. The atmosphere(air), lithosphere (solid earth) and thehydrosphere (water) constitute the non-living geosphere.


Microscopic diagnosis of a liv-ing being’s tissues to determine abnormalcell development or malignancy.


A term coined with the firstsyllable of biology andthe last syllableof electronics. This is applied to _a varietyof scientific projects involving biologicalsystems, engineering systems and artificialintelligence. Bionics study biological processes like storing of solar energy by plants,light emission byfireflies etc. Machines arethen devised to simulate the processes fortechnological application.


The application of math-ematics to the study of living things.


The use of statistical andother mathematical methods of analysison data pertaining to living organisms.


The study of the ethicalproblems arising from scientific ad-vances.


A branch ofengi-neering that develops devices and equip-ments to replace human body parts.


A sytem of psycho-analytic therapy developed by Austrianpsychologist VWlhelm Reich. This_systemalso known as character analysis is basedon the theory that sexual frustration is theroot cause of neurosis. This theory equatessexual energy with a universally existinglife force called 'orgone’.


A list of books or articlesabout a subject or an author.

Big Bang

A theory explaining theorigin of universe. According to this theorythe universe originated from a suddenexplosion of energy 10,000 -15,000 mil-lion years ago and started expanding toall directions. Over millions of years theexpanding mass formed into particles,then into gas. Due to gravity gas becamecompressed and broken up to form galax-ies planets and stars.


The capacity of asubstance to decompose by bacterial orbiological processes into nature friendlyelements. ·


An economic alliance formedin 1948 by three nations - Belgium, Neth-erlands and Luxembourg.


A disease caused by defi-ciency of thiamine (vitamin B). It causesstiffness of lower limbs, paralysis, and painand ultimately the victim becomes too sickto do anything.

Beat generation

A group of youngAmericans, who,-· fed up with Westernvalues turned to Eastern religion for inspiration. They adopted a Bohemian lifestyleand tried experimental literary forms.

Berliner Ensemble

A theatre com-pany in East Berlin. Founded by BertoltBrecht, playwright and theatre director,Berliner Ensemble was a major influenceon 20th century theatre.

Bernoulli disk

A form of computermagnetic disk storage, named after DanielBernoulli, the Dutch mathematician. Thedisk can be removed and replaced.

Best boy

The charge—hand electricianworking under the gaffer, who is thechief electrician in a film or TV produc-tion crew.


Sudden descent into theridiculous, often for comic effect. E.g. Heis a gentleman; look at his boots ( GeorgeBernard Shaw).

Base period

The time period used asthe base from which to calculate an indexnumberor a growth rate.


A style of art and archi-tecture, named after the Italian painterFederigo Baro-ccio. This was originated asa reaction against reformation movementand classicism and was directly promotedby the Catholic Church.


Gregory David Roberts, 2003 The adventurous and sensational life ledby the Australian writer, Gregory Roberts,a former armed robber and heroin addict,finds literary expression in this lengthynovel. The story is narrated by LindsayFord or Lin who arrives in Bombay andbefriends a local man Prabaker. Thetwo go to Pra_baker's village where hismother gives Lin the name Shantaramor Man of God's Peace. Slums, disease,underworld operations, Bollywood,prison stints, torture, smuggling are justsome of the things dealt with in the bookwhich ends with Lin's desire to embracean honest life. i

Slow Man

j.M.Coetzee, 2005 Coetzee's first novel after getting the2003 Nobel for Literature is an ambitiouspost modern work on loneliness, ageing,writing and acceptance. It centres aroundthe efforts of a _recusive 60·year—odretired photographer Paul Rayment tocome to terms with the loss of a leg afteracycling accident. A cold man with nofriends, Rayment finds it very difficult tofindsolace in anything until the entry ofMarijana jokic, a Croatian nurse into hislife. Things take a startling turn whenCoetzee introduces Elizabeth Costello,the heroine of one of his previous nov-els, and probably the author’s alter ego,into the book. She exhorts Rayment tolead a more interesting life and theirrelationship takes the book·to a strangeconclusion.

The Sea

john Banville, 2005 Giving- his prose ”the kind of densenessand thickness that poetry has," lohnBanville, one of lreland's most acclaimedstylists, has managed to compress in 195pages an extraordinary tribute to thepower of memory. Written as a reflectivejournal, this intense novel won the 2005Man Booker Prize. It tells the story of MaxMorden, a retired art historian, who re-turns to the seaside village where he hadspent a summer as a child and attemptsto come to terms with the deaths of thosehe loved through his musings on his past.Beginning the narration after his wifeAnna's death, his memories flit haphaz—ardly among time spent with the Graces,a wealthy middle class family, time spentwith his wife and the present. '

Vernon God Little

DBC Pierre, 2003 This novel (Booker Prize, 2003) by theAustralian born writer Peter Warren Finlaywho took on the pen name DBC (standingfor Dirty But Clean) Pierre is a black com-edy featuring VernonGregory Little, a trou-bled teenager. Littleis fifteen and lives in a small town in Texas in the U S. Wrongl y accused of bei ng aconspirator in a h0rl‘iflC incident involving the killing of 16 bullyingschoolmates by his friend jesus Navarrowho then commits suicide, he goes onthe run when things get completely out ofhand. Written in contemporary vernacu-lar, the book succeeds in presenting theambiguities present in contemporary won the 2003 Booker Prize.

True History of Kelly

GangPeter Carey, 2000 The New York based Australian writer PeterCarey's historical novel that got him the2001 Booker is the story of the legendaryNed Kelly, AustraIia's most famous outlawwho was executed as a murderer and ahorse thief in 1880. The story is revealed inthe form of letters written in a distinctive vertnacular to his baby daughter that he neversees. Born to very poor Irish immigrants, aconspiracy of circumstances makes him anoutlaw who is a murderer in the eyes of theBritish police and an endearing national heroto most Australians. This exhilarating andpanoramic work has the force of a classic TWestern and keeps alive the aura surround-ing the legend of Ned Kelly.

consilient Push

Consilienfs free push mail service works on a number of mid—segment phones. You have to keep it runnning ansit will let you know whenever a new mail has arrived in your inbox. You can also reply, forward and delete mails from your phone itself and view attachments supported by your phone. You can configure up to five email accounts (including corporate accounts) on it free of charge as long as you are willing to put up with a line of advertising

Opera Mini

Opera Mini can open almost any website on your cellphone. The latest version ofthe browser (version 4 beta) features a moving cursor, allowing you to highlight the link you wish to open. ll iS fast and Simple. You can download images from websites, use its inbuilt RSS reader to keep track of the latest events or post taken using your cellphone’s camera directly to a blog. Its downsides: downloading anything other than opens the cellphones default browser and the browser cannot handle Web pages that have Flash and on them. But that apart, thisis the first app any person should download to make his or her phone smarter.

Balkans (SE Europe)

This area consistsof Greece, Albania, Croatia, Bosnia-Her-cegovina, Macedonia, Serbia and Mon-tenegro, Bulgaria, part of Romania andthe European part of Turkey.

Bali (Indonesia)

Mountainous island.Stronghold of Hinduism.

Balaklava (Russia)

Known for the theBritish base at Balaklava and the Battle ofBalaklava in the early stages of the CrimeanWar, between Britain and Russia

Baikonour (Kazakhstan)

lndia‘sfirst cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma waslaunched from this cosm_odrome in1984. Also launched lRl-IA (1988) andIRS-IC (1995)

Babylon (Iraq)

lt was the capitaloftheBabylonian empire on the Euphrates River,south of Baghdad (modern Iraq). Greatest ruler was Nebuchadnezzer (60 5-S62.B.C).Hanging Gardens were one of the Seden .Wonders. Babylon fell in 538 B.C.

Axum or Aksum (Ethiopia)

Centreof N.Ethiopian empire, 1st·8th c. Kingsconverted to Christianity in 4th c. lt is —believed that the Arc of the Covenant wasbrought here from jerusalem and placed Ain church of St.Mary of Zion where theemperors of Ethiopia were crowned.

Atlanta (USA)

Capital of Georgia.Founded in 1837, originally called Termi-nus, Marthasville in 1845, and Atlanta in1947. Headquarters of Coca Cola. Hosted1996 summer Olympic Games.

Arlington (USA)

Location of thePentagon. National Cemetery built in1864, where prominent Americans havebeen buried.

Andes (S. America)

Longest mountainrange in the world. ·


Port. Town wasdestroyed in a major 1960 earthquake.The Portuguese named it Santa Cruz(1505-41).

Aqaba (jordan)

Seaport, capturedfrom Turks in 1917 by T.E. Lawrence.Gulf of Aqaba had important role inArab·lsraeli wars.

15 february 2009 in india

MS. Suman Sharma, a 30 year old indian woman, becomes the world’s first woman to fly the mighty Russian MiG-35 fighter jet at the Aero India international air show in Bengaluru.

14 february 2009 in india

A convergence programme to be operated jointly by the UN agencies and the Rajasthan Government for achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs) is launched in five backward districts of the desert State.

2009 february 13 in india

Union Railway Minister Mr. LaluPrasad presents the Interim RailwayBudget 2009-10 in the Parliament, the point of the budget being a 2 % cutinefares.


Palm's all—new $549 (Rs 24,000) treo Pm is looking pretty sharp, both inside and out Nice black casing, a 32OX320—piXe resolunun touch screen and a screensaver that will show you the time, any missed calls or new L text/multimedia messages at a glance. Equipped with the full QWERTY keyboardssss with an al—new navigation keypad, it ism targeted at business users. lt runs Windows Mobile 6.1, complete with the MicrosoftT Ofhce Mobile Suite and Direct Push Technology for rea—time e-mail delivery. It iT offers UMTS/HSDPA support, Wi-Fi, J Bluetooth, and GPS. The Palm Treo Pro will be available in Europe starting in Septembeil through Vodafone and might make it to India .by Oct or Nov.


Soon after rolling out a trio of new Rokr 3models, Motorola will be adding three moremultimedia-centric cell phones to its line-up,this October. Moto ZN200, Moto W388, andMoto W396. 0ut bet is on the W388 (Rs3,300). The candy-bar phone boasts of arobust music player and claims long batterylife — 9 hours of talk time and T6 days ofstandby time. There is the Moto lD featurethat helps you identify songs and artists onthe go. There's an FM radio and micro SD slotwith 2GB card support. The W388 is aquad—band GSM phone and has Motorola'sCrystal Talk audio—enhancing technology.

the worlds top five tourist destinations

1. FRANCE- With 79.1 million tourists in 2006, the land of fashion, wine and cheese.-the Mona Lisa and the Eiffel lures them right in. Oh, and let’snotforgef,Pigal1ei 2. SPAlN -— 58.5 million 3. US - 51.1 million 4. CHINA — 49.6 million 5.11ALY — 41.1 million (Source: World Tourism Organisation)