
Showing posts from May 22, 2009


the university acccepted standard of measuring temperature.celsius is a centigrade scale that divides the freezing and boiling points of water into 100 parts. This was developed by Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius in 1742 which soon replaced the earlier system of Fahrenheit.

Censure Motion

A motion moved against the government in general censuring any of its policy or particularly against a minister or ministers.

Chain Reaction

Any sequence of events each of which has an effect on the following

chamber music

Classical music written for a small number of instruments.


A political movement of the.British working class during the early 19th C. It was based on liberal ideology and it considered political reform essential for social and economic development.

Checks and Balances

A constitutional system in democracies as a safeguard from possible misuse of power.


The use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells (including leukemia’s and lymphomas).The world means 'drug treatment'.


It is a rare form of viral fever caused by the ’alpha virus’ transmitted to human by the bite of infected mosquitoes. The term Chikungunya is derived from 'makonde’ meaning ’that which bends up' in reference to the stooped posture developed as a result of the arthritic symptom of the disease.


In US caucus is an open meeting of party policy makers, who take crucial decisions of a political party. But in India caucus means an inner group engaged in behind the scene operations within a political party.

Cat's Eyes

Safty device to help drivers to see the road. Small pieces of shaped glass backed by mirrors that reflect light are placed in a domed rubbed pad and sunk in the road.


The science of aquatic mammals, especially whales.

Catch phrase

A phrase in popular use,like one associated with a show business personality.


Psychological term describing the way in which psychotherapy helps a person to release pent up feelings and emotions. It also means emotional purging and purification brought about by the experience of pity and fear, as in a tragic drama.

Catalytic converter

Device using chemical agents that assist changes in other substances while retaining its own quality.


Substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.


The science of mapping geographical areas in a flat surface as per scale. Modern techniques like satellite photo mapping and aerial photography has made cartography a sophisticated branch of science.


The science of fruits and seeds.

Carbon Dioxide Snow

Solid carbon dioxide, used as a refrigerant.


The stock of goods which are used in production and which have themselves been produced.

Capital Punishment

Death penalty ordered by the state for severe offences like murder, rape, armed robbery, treason etc.

Capital formation

Net investment in fixed assets, i.e. additions to the stock of real capital.


lt is the measure of a system’s ability to store electric charge.

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)

It was an organization established in Britain in l958 to mobilize public opinion against nuclear weapons.


It is the art of ringing church bells, There are two forms of bell ringing: change ringing, which is a hand-pulled method, and the carillon method which uses a keyboard connected to the clappers of the bells.


The art and tactics of hiding military equipment and troops from an enemy, It employs different techniques like matching colour white in snow, green in jungles or covering military equipments with roofs of earth or branches of trees.


The art of beautiful and decorative handwriting, Calligraphy presents letters in an aesthetic style with attractive curves, strokes etc.


The systematic exercises for attaining strength and gracefulness.


A pink substance consisting of zinc oxide and is used in skin powders and ointments.


The hierarchical structure of administrative set up for carrying out the administration of large organizations like government, industry, company etc. in bureaucracy, the authority is centralized and the officers are strictly graded in different levels with defined responsibilities.


An odourless and slightly bitter organic alkaloid naturally found in coffee, tea, cocoa and cola nuts, Caffeine, when taken in small quantities helps human metabolism. But when taken in large quantities it causes nervousness, loss of sleep, headache, digestive disorders etc.


Gold, silver or other precious metal in bulk, i.e. in the form of ingots or bars rather than in coin.


A style of architecture. It uses stark, geometric lines.


A client program in the computer to access the internet.

Bread and breakfast

sleeping accommodation and breakfast in a hotel or a guest house.

Brand Loyalty

Repeated purchase of a particular brand of product by the consumer. Usually It is the result of a right combination of quality and price.

Brain Storming

A technique used for idea generation in which a team of persons put forward new ideas freely and spontaneously.


A way to describe cosmetic surgery for men.


Stock exchange. Originally the exchange of Paris or any other city of continental Europe.


A kind of food poisoning caused by a toxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacteria


Cooking of meat, fish or vegetables in metal frame over an open fire. Originally it referred to the roasting of a whole pig, ox or other large animal over wood or charcoal in an open plane.


the quantity of Information that can be transmitted through a communication line. it denotes the capacity of line measured in bits per second.

Bandung conference

A conferenceof Afro-Asiam leaders held In Bandung, In-donesia,to assert their identity ndependentof the big powers.