Slow Man

j.M.Coetzee, 2005

Coetzee's first novel after getting the2003 Nobel for Literature is an ambitiouspost modern work on loneliness, ageing,writing and acceptance. It centres aroundthe efforts of a _recusive 60·year—odretired photographer Paul Rayment tocome to terms with the loss of a leg afteracycling accident. A cold man with nofriends, Rayment finds it very difficult tofindsolace in anything until the entry ofMarijana jokic, a Croatian nurse into hislife. Things take a startling turn whenCoetzee introduces Elizabeth Costello,the heroine of one of his previous nov-els, and probably the author’s alter ego,into the book. She exhorts Rayment tolead a more interesting life and theirrelationship takes the book·to a strangeconclusion.
