Asoka the Great
Asoka the Great :Asoka, the most famous king of the Maurya Dynasty, was one of the greatest kings of the world. He was generally known as “Devanampriya” which means Beloved of the Gods and “Priyadasi” which means of pleasing appearance. The most important event of his reign was the war with Kalinga. The horrors of Kalinga War moved him deeply. He gave up military conquests. Thereafter, he evolved a policy of Dharmavijaya, conquest by pity. Asoka was a Buddhist by faith and wanted to make Buddhism a world religion. He got the principles of Buddhism inscribed on rocks and pillars, these pillars, one at Sarnath was the most magnificient. The National Emblem of our Government is taken from this design. The late historian, H.G.Wells regards Asoka as the greatest Monarch in history.
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