B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006. Third Semester Civil Engineering CY 1201 — ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (Common to all branches (EXCEPT Bio—Medical Engineering, Computer Scienceand Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering/InformationTechnology and Petroleum Engineering) and Common to B.E. (Part—Time)Second Semester (Regulation 2005)) (Regulation 2004) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions PART A — (10 x2 : 20 marks) 1. Explain endangered species. 2. What do you mean by avvironmental impact? 3. Explain soil leachii g.` 4. What is acil urecipitation? 5. Explain overgrazing. 6. What is desertification? 7. Define photochemical smog. 8. Define population equilibrium. 9. What is water logging? 10. What are the types of` solid wastes? PART B — (5 > 14. (a) (i) What is sustainable development and explain its concepts? (4) (ii) Discuss the agenda for sustainable development. (8) (iii) What are the sources of greenhouse gas...